Reservoir Construction
Newton Rd
Newton Rd
Old workings in opencast
Longshaw Shop
Jim Clough ouside clogging shop
Grundy's Shop
Greenfiled House
Labour in Vain
Main St
Main St
Longfold c 1920
Newton Rd
Otterswift Farm
Squashed House
Plantations c1920 Betty Derbishire, Janet Fairclough, Renee Nicholson,
Winifred Ward
Startem Front
Startem Rear
Stork Hotel
The Hollows
The Meddow looking towards Carr Mill Road
Tinsley's Barn
Top Shop
Joe Tinsley c1885
unsure about this one
Long Fold c 1905
Merton Bank House c1914 Tinsley bothers included
Billing Lane Colliery 1932
UpHolland Rd 1919
UpHolland Road
Main St 1922
'Top Shop', Blackleyhurst Co-op
Peggy's chippy
Peggy's chippy
Main Street
Main Street
Old workings in opencast
UpHolland Rd
Main St
Tanyard House Farm